The McMaster University Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program for Health Professionals is a University accredited academic activity for regulated health professionals. The ability of those professionals to practice acupuncture in a given “professional practice jurisdiction” upon completion of the McMaster University Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program depends on the practitioner’s compliance with their regulatory body requirements, which may include the completion of such a training program as the McMaster Program.
Completion of the McMaster Program does not provide any professional any practicing or licensing rights “per se”. Upon completion, practitioners need to provide their regulatory bodies with the proof of completion of the training, and obtain the appropriate malpractice insurance in order to be able to practice in the jurisdiction where their practice is regulated.
The McMaster University Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program is offered to Canadian, USA, and International qualified health care professionals who can either:
These criteria include Canadian and international practitioners such as medical doctors (physicians), osteopathic doctors (USA, Sweden, etc.), naturopathic doctors, dentists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, registered massage therapists, nurse practitioners, chiropodists, licensed acupuncturists, Swedish naprapats, and any other professions that may not be currently in the list of self-regulated regarding acupuncture in Ontario but may be seeking such status, like athletic therapist, TCM practitioners or Canadian osteopaths.
All applications are reviewed by an admissions committee to resolve any issues of eligibility.
All applicants are required to submit a completed Registration Form. To complete and submit the form online, please click on “REGISTER” below the appropriate course/program, Register for the Program, and follow the instructions.
In addition to submitting the Registration Form, all applicants are required to submit the following, which can be uploaded as part of completing the registration form, mailed or faxed:
A DEPOSIT of $1800.00 is payable online by VISA/MasterCard/or AMEX, or by Cheque or Money Order payable to McMaster University.
If you need help with completing the Registration Form or require clarification about anything, please contact our administrative coordinator, as follows:
Administrative Coordinator, McMaster Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program
Tel: 905-521-2100 x 75175 Fax: 905-523-1224 mcmasteracupuncture@mcmaster.